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coors light- ode to love sogns

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# 1 21 years ago

who sings the song from that commercial?
'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
# 2 21 years ago

> who sings the song from that commercial?
: 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!
# 3 21 years ago

> : who sings the song from that commercial?
:> 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
> WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!

A disc is in the works for November release

# 4 21 years ago

> :> who sings the song from that commercial?
:> : 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
>> WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!
: A disc is in the works for November release
okay, i dont really care for a disk....who sings the song? just answer who sings the song and waht is the song title? its not that hard! please

# 5 21 years ago

> :> who sings the song from that commercial?
:> : 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
>> WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!
: A disc is in the works for November release
okay, i dont really care for a disk....who sings the song? just answer who sings the song and waht is the song title? its not that hard! please

# 6 21 years ago

> who sings the song from that commercial?
: 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
That song is by Steve Simoncic from Chicago. He is in a band there and writes his own music.

# 7 21 years ago

> :> : who sings the song from that commercial?
:> :> 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
>> : WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!
:> A disc is in the works for November release
> okay, i dont really care for a disk....who sings the song? just answer who sings the song and waht is the song title? its not that hard! please

~Ok i dont care who sings the song, all i want to know is the lyrics, so if someone can tell me all the lyrics to that song, (the parts on the commercial) it would be greatly appreciated!!

# 8 21 years ago

> :> : who sings the song from that commercial?
:> :> 'i love football on tv, shots of gina lee..etc' from coors light
>> : WHO SINGS THIS LOVE SONG FROM THE COORS LIGHT COMMERCIAL????? i really need to know! please tell me!!!!
:> A disc is in the works for November release
> okay, i dont really care for a disk....who sings the song? just answer who sings the song and waht is the song title? its not that hard! please
I just want to know the lyrics for the song thanks so much!!
# 9 21 years ago

That song is obviously sung by The Cure and is entitled 'The Love Song.' Thus you are welcome.
# 10 21 years ago

> That song is obviously sung by The Cure and is entitled 'The Love Song.' Thus you are welcome.
Sally is a friggin' idiot and you are wrong. It was not done by the Cure and you are not welcome.
# 11 21 years ago

> : That song is obviously sung by The Cure and is entitled 'The Love Song.' Thus you are welcome.
> Sally is a friggin' idiot and you are wrong. It was not done by the Cure and you are not welcome.
well i'm sorry frank, i dont listen to CRAP...punk rock on!

# 12 21 years ago

> : That song is obviously sung by The Cure and is entitled 'The Love Song.' Thus you are welcome.
> Sally is a friggin' idiot and you are wrong. It was not done by the Cure and you are not welcome.

Sorry Frank, Sally did not post that was Ajax...Ajax is a moron! That is not the Cure, why dont you try to dowload these songs before you run your mouth! Now we'll never find out who sings it becuase your stupidity

# 13 21 years ago

I found the Commercial with the song 'I love football on TV...' you guys know the rest. I used quicktime to export the sound from it and now have a wav of it. If anyone is interested in getting this from me, IM me on AOL at MazMan007 I'll be more than happy to share it with you. I also have the other 2 songs the 'because we can' and 'party hard' if anyone's interested in those too.

# 14 21 years ago

I have the song from the commercial if anyone wants it they can im me @ MAzMan007.
# 15 21 years ago

The lyrics are:
I love football on tv, shots of Gena Lee, hangin with my friends...and twins!
I love burritos at 4 AM, parties that never end, dogs that love cats...and twins!
(Heres to love songs!)
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