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Help us find the name of the crest white strip actess.

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# 1 20 years ago

Could you please help me to find the name of the actress in your Whitestrips PREMIUM commercial. The best way to describe the commercial in question is it's the one where the girl who used the strips says to her friends, " Guys, it only took a week". One of the friends was wearing a leopard print blouse, however i am looking for the name of the girl who used the whitestrips in the commercial. Thank you for your help in advance.Randy
# 2 20 years ago

> Could you please help me to find the name of the actress in your Whitestrips PREMIUM commercial. The best way to describe the commercial in question is it's the one where the girl who used the strips says to her friends, " Guys, it only took a week". One of the friends was wearing a leopard print blouse, however i am looking for the name of the girl who used the whitestrips in the commercial. Thank you for your help in advance.Randy

I don't know but the girl in the middle looks like Brittany Daniel of That 80's Show. I read that it's actually her twin sister Cynthia Daniel.
# 3 20 years ago

Isn't it Pete Sampras's wife?
# 4 20 years ago

> Isn't it Pete Sampras's wife?
Bridgette Wilson-Sampras
# 5 20 years ago

> Anyone know the name of the raven-haired model on the Crest Whitestrips commercial denying having a "new man in her life" showing her newly whitened teeth? Chuck
# 6 20 years ago

> > Isn't it Pete Sampras's wife?
> Bridgette Wilson-Sampras

Yes, that's who it is. Do a google search on "Bridgette Wilson-Sampras" and you'll see it's the same woman.
# 7 20 years ago

> > Isn't it Pete Sampras's wife?
> Bridgette Wilson-Sampras

I am not sure but maybe you can ask the people that make crest white strip.
# 8 20 years ago

> > Could you please help me to find the name of the actress in your Whitestrips PREMIUM commercial. The best way to describe the commercial in question is it's the one where the girl who used the strips says to her friends, " Guys, it only took a week". One of the friends was wearing a leopard print blouse, however i am looking for the name of the girl who used the whitestrips in the commercial. Thank you for your help in advance.Randy
> I don't know but the girl in the middle looks like Brittany Daniel of That 80's Show. I read that it's actually her twin sister Cynthia Daniel.
I dont know but i am trying to find out.
# 9 20 years ago

> > Isn't it Pete Sampras's wife?
> Bridgette Wilson-Sampras

No i dont think it is Bridgette at all, i see that commerical today and the person dont look like her.
# 10 20 years ago

hi. if anyone has figured out this girl's name or where I can get a picture of her from the commercial I would appreciate it. I really love her hair and I want to get mine cut like hers, but I need a pic. Thanks.
# 11 16 years ago

Nicole--this may help--go to the online ad and maybe one of the ladies pictured is the hair cut you are looking for-- good luck!
# 12 16 years ago

it's so weird that i found this forum i was looking for the same thing about the haircut. my mom wanted her hair cut "like the lady in the crest commercial" and i seriously never thought I would find it but that link posted to here was the right person!!! how weird is that!!?? I also took a screenshot of the girl on the page so if it ever changes i will have the screen shot for anyone else who may want to show their stylest it. my email is
# 13 16 years ago

If you are talking about the hotty with brown hair and blue eyes, she is also in an alergy medicine commercial. She is in a yellow dress talking about ragweed and pet dander. She's smokin hot.
# 14 13 years ago

This website is a LOSER website. You have to register just to see a complete link that someone posts? I DEMAND that some puke ban my account.
# 15 12 years ago

i think the crest white strip girl is natalia cigliuti
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