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Looking for Song from "The Prince and Me" commercial, help!!!

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# 16 20 years ago

Try this "Breathe" - Michelle Branch

The commercial is middle song

# 17 20 years ago


The song is by Michelle Branch, it's called Breathe.
# 18 20 years ago

> > I'm looking for the song from the commercial for the move "The Prince and Me" not the michelle branch song, but the first one with a woman's voice in the backround and piano playing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SONG FOREVER! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!
# 19 20 years ago


"Breathe" - Michelle Branch
# 20 20 years ago

I'm pretty sure it is like Stevie Nicks. I don't know what song it it though.
# 21 20 years ago

Oops, I meant to say,

"I'm pretty sure it is Stevie Nicks. I don't know what song it it though."
# 22 20 years ago

> I have also been searching for this song as well. I listened to every song on the soundtrack and its not on there !!! Who ever this girls manager is,,well He needs to be fired in the worst way !!!!!!! its the song on the second half of the commercial. I even checked the hollywwod music homepage.
> What is it and who sings it !!
> Frustrated,
> Rich
# 23 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the song from the commercial for the move "The Prince and Me" not the michelle branch song, but the first one with a woman's voice in the backround and piano playing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SONG FOREVER! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!
# 24 20 years ago

The song is by Michelle Branch, it's called Breathe.
# 25 20 years ago

the song is called breathe by Michelle Branch.
# 26 20 years ago

the song is called breathe by Michelle Branch.
# 27 20 years ago

> > I'm looking for the song from the commercial for the move "The Prince and Me" not the michelle branch song, but the first one with a woman's voice in the backround and piano playing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SONG FOREVER! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!
# 28 20 years ago

it's not michelle branch or stevie nicks nor jessica simpson or annie lennox who the hell sings this song? please, please does anyone know who sings this song? i have the soundtrack and it's not in there HELLLLP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
# 29 20 years ago

> > I have also been searching for this song as well. I listened to every song on the soundtrack and its not on there !!! Who ever this girls manager is,,well He needs to be fired in the worst way !!!!!!! its the song on the second half of the commercial. I even checked the hollywwod music homepage.
> >
> > What is it and who sings it !!
> >
> > Frustrated,
> >
> > Rich
# 30 19 years ago

> > I'm looking for the song from the commercial for the move "The Prince and Me" not the michelle branch song, but the first one with a woman's voice in the backround and piano playing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SONG FOREVER! PLEASE HELP ME OUT!

The song you guys are all looking for with the piano playing is In My Heart by Moby.
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