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Old Mitsubishi commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Ok,I got a good question. There was an alternative song from the mid 90's on a Mitsubishi commercial about 6 years ago maybe even a little newer. It starts with a soft guitar, almost like the beginning of that Smahing pumkins song, "today is the greatest day i've ever known...etc" but then it fades to the heavier main guitar. The vocals are the singer going, "oo oo" and so on. It's hard to sing in oo's. I can't think of any lyrics. It's been bugging me for the past 4 years. I do know that during the verses it's just the bass and drums with the lead singer. They almost remind me of STP. Can someone please help in any way!!??

# 2 20 years ago

Try the song "Cannonball" by The Breeders. That *may* be it.

> Ok,I got a good question. There was an alternative song from the mid 90's on a Mitsubishi commercial about 6 years ago maybe even a little newer. It starts with a soft guitar, almost like the beginning of that Smahing pumkins song, "today is the greatest day i've ever known...etc" but then it fades to the heavier main guitar. The vocals are the singer going, "oo oo" and so on. It's hard to sing in oo's. I can't think of any lyrics. It's been bugging me for the past 4 years. I do know that during the verses it's just the bass and drums with the lead singer. They almost remind me of STP. Can someone please help in any way!!??
# 3 20 years ago

Song: In The Meantime
Artist: Spacehog
Album: Resident Alien

# 4 20 years ago

Song: In The Meantime
Artist: Spacehog
Album: Resident Alien

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