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LendingTree commercials

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# 1 20 years ago

I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
# 2 18 years ago

> I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a sermon illustration.
# 3 18 years ago

> I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
i am looking for this also
thank you for your help
# 4 18 years ago

> > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a sermon illustration.
> >
> >
# 5 18 years ago

Have you been able to find the commerical as a video file?

I am trying to get that also. I live in Charlotte where Lendingtree is located and know a guy who works there. It is the best commerical I've seen because unfortunately a lot of people live that way. The commerical would be an excellent way to start off a sermon on 'how do you live your life'. If I get it, I'll pass it on to you. Lendingtree should want to distribute it... it would be great advertising for them.

Bob Hofmann

> > > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a sermon illustration.
> > >
> > >
> >
# 6 18 years ago

> > > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks. It is for a seminar illustration.
> > >
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> >
# 7 18 years ago

Did you find this? what a great illustration it makes!!

> > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a sermon illustration.
> > >
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> >
# 8 18 years ago

Hi Larry,

I've just got back to the UK from Florida and would also like to get a copy of this Lending Tree advert. If you can find out how to get it please let me know and vice versa.


Paul Barker

I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
# 9 18 years ago

> I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
# 10 18 years ago

> > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
> >
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> > > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
> > >
> > >
> >
# 12 18 years ago

Do you have that commercial available electronically? My father loves it and would like to see it.

> I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
> > >
> > >
> >
# 13 18 years ago

> > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" I teach a financial class and that would be of great help.
# 14 18 years ago

> > > > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
Me too! If you find it, would you pass it on?
# 15 18 years ago

> > I am in need of the LendingTree commercial, that shows the man talking about how well he is living and at the end he basically says "I am in debt up to my eyeb***s" If anyone can help thanks it is for a College course.
> >
> >

You need to go to but you will have to pay a fee, I happen to find the site. The ad is called "Stanley" 2003. I am planning to use it to apply to a graduate advertsising program
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