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Toyota Matrix commercial: song name?

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# 1 21 years ago

What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?

# 2 21 years ago

+song 'Toyota Matrix commercial'
with the + sign and the ''s, it should help narrow down the search field.
It's an awesome song, good luck findin' it. EMail me if you've looked and cannot find it, I'll try to send it to you (I'll convert it to MP3 once this thing friggin DLs, it's taking forever!) neways, cya
Orl. FL, USA
# 3 20 years ago

> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx

Here you go:
No name, but at least you get to hear it.

# 4 20 years ago

> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx
I found the song on kazaa, and it was called 'Matrix Theme', the file name is 'toyota - matrix theme.mp3'.....just search for 'toyota' and you'll find it, that's what I did.:)

# 5 20 years ago

Richard Rosenman
Please do not ask me who produced the music for Toyota Matrix. I don't currently have this information and even if I did, I couldn't disclose the company name without permission anyways. What I can tell you is that the track was produced exclusively for the spot and to my knowledge, is not commercially available. Thanks.

# 6 20 years ago

> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx

# 7 20 years ago

i've been looking for it forever, and i cant find it either... :(
> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx

# 8 20 years ago

> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx
It's apararently a custom song just for the commercial. You can find it as 'Matrix Theme' by 'Toyota'. It's about a minute long, and exactly how it is on the commercial.
# 9 20 years ago

> What's the song that's playing in the new toyota matrix commercial?
: thanx
I have been looking for a while too. Cant find it anywhere
(All 9 messages )

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