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coors light commercial (here's to football)

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# 1 19 years ago

anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 2 20 years ago

How does that song go" the one with I like Parties that never end burritos at 4 am and twins or something like that
# 3 20 years ago

> anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 4 19 years ago

> anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 5 19 years ago

> > anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 6 19 years ago

> How does that song go" the one with I like Parties that never end burritos at 4 am and twins or something like that
# 7 19 years ago

I love football on TV,
shots of Gina Lee,
hangin with my friends,
...and twins,
I love,
burritos at four am,
parties that never end,
dogs who love cats.
...and...and those twins,
and I love you too,
Heres to love songs!
# 8 19 years ago

how does the commercial go that goes like i love quaterbacks eating dirt....???
# 9 19 years ago

> > anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 10 19 years ago

Looking for a tiltle to a son showing mountains, soft rock, lrics are somethin bout I'm Just a Simple Kind of Man
# 11 19 years ago

> > How does that song go" the one with I like Parties that never end burritos at 4 am and twins or something like that
> >
> i love football on t.v shots of jena lee
hangin with my friends and twins
i love burritos at 4 am
parties that never end
dogs that love cats
and...and twins
and i love you too
# 12 19 years ago

> anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 13 19 years ago

> anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 14 19 years ago

> anyone know what group does that song? the one im talking about is the coors light one, but they also had songs used by Espn's Sportscenter. It is used mainly during the football season. anyone know what im talking about? thanks for the help.
# 15 19 years ago

> > How does that song go" the one with I Love Rock and Roll..... ....and twins!!!
I Love making Quarterback cry... ... and twins!!!
> >
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