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Swatch new music

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# 1 20 years ago

Can somebody tell me what is the name of the new music from swatch? It's not the one from Migde Ure(Breathe) and neither is the one from Five for fighting(Something about you).It's the other one. I can't seem to find the name anywhere.
# 2 20 years ago

> Can somebody tell me what is the name of the new music from swatch? It's not the one from Migde Ure(Breathe) and neither is the one from Five for fighting(Something about you).It's the other one. I can't seem to find the name anywhere.

um.. i know it's a song by five for fighting... i'm just not sure of the song..
# 3 20 years ago

Hi there

The name of the song you're looking for is "Superman". It is indeed by Five for Fighting but it's on their album "America Town". Hope this is helpful!


> Can somebody tell me what is the name of the new music from swatch? It's not the one from Migde Ure(Breathe) and neither is the one from Five for fighting(Something about you).It's the other one. I can't seem to find the name anywhere.
# 4 20 years ago

No, I recently listned to both Five for Fighting cd's (America Town and The battle for everything), but it's definetely not Superman.. I'll keep on searching.

Vera (Netherlands)
# 5 19 years ago

> No, I recently listned to both Five for Fighting cd's (America Town and The battle for everything), but it's definetely not Superman.. I'll keep on searching.
> Vera (Netherlands)

mayb you can tell us which commercial is it?? a rough description of the commercial?
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