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song in the background from the movie cruel intentions

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# 1 20 years ago

I wanted to know the name of the song that was playing in the background when ryan phillipe and reese withersthingy were about to have sex, but he changed his mind and went out of the room! I've been looking for this song since the movie came out. I even bought 2 cds that I thought would have the song on them but to no avail!
# 2 20 years ago

It is by Craig Thomson but unsure of the name of it. Hope this helps.

# 3 20 years ago

> I wanted to know the name of the song that was playing at the end of the movie.
please let me know ASAP

thks a lot!!!
# 4 19 years ago

The song at sebastion(ryan phillipe)funeral
# 5 19 years ago

The song at sebastion(ryan phillipe)funeral
# 6 18 years ago

I am not sure the name of the song but and the end of the credits all the names of the songs are listed. Write down all the names (there are quite a few) then go back to the part of the part of the movie where they are about to have sex and listen to a couple of the lines . Read the lyrics of all the songs the one that matches yours is your song (this may take a while, so I wish you all the luk). That's the way I found the song I liked "Bittersweet swymphony."
# 7 18 years ago

> I am not sure the name of the song but and the end of the credits all the names of the songs are listed. Write down all the names (there are quite a few) then go back to the part of the part of the movie where they are about to have sex and listen to a couple of the lines . Read the lyrics of all the songs the one that matches yours is your song (this may take a while, so I wish you all the luk). That's the way I found the song I liked "Bittersweet swymphony."
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