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Orange You Glad

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# 1 21 years ago

Ok...I am NOT sure of the actual commercial, but the song has the lyrics 'Orange you glad it's summer' and it sounds like the B 52's singing. I have tried looking it up on audiogalaxy, Kazaa, and no luck. What is the commercial, and am I correct with the title and artist? IF not--WHO AND WHAT??? Thanks!
# 2 21 years ago

The commercial is for IS B52's; it might just be a promo only commercial for them and noone else can get it yet. Anyone else know different??
# 3 21 years ago

That's from that new target commercial, I've been looking for it too but can't find it. It sure sounds like the B-52s
# 4 18 years ago

> Ok...I am NOT sure of the actual commercial, but the song has the lyrics 'Orange you glad it's summer' and it sounds like the B 52's singing. I have tried looking it up on audiogalaxy, Kazaa, and no luck. What is the commercial, and am I correct with the title and artist? IF not--WHO AND WHAT??? Thanks!

It was the B-52's and it was for a Target commercial. The title I am unsure of. I have not been able to find the song anywhere.
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