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Gatorade commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song and the artist who does the new gatorade commercial. Some of the words are 'keep it going' and in one part it says '1...2....3....freeze'
It's not Keep It Going by Doug E. Fresh, I found that song and it's definitely not it. Anybody know the answer, please??!!??!!??
# 2 21 years ago

> I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song and the artist who does the new gatorade commercial. Some of the words are 'keep it going' and in one part it says '1...2....3....freeze'
: It's not Keep It Going by Doug E. Fresh, I found that song and it's definitely not it. Anybody know the answer, please??!!??!!??

# 3 21 years ago

Well, here's the answer. I called Gatorade's advertising department and they did confirm that the ORIGINAL song was Keep It Going by Doug E Fresh, but it was remixed specifically for Gatorade. They said the only way to obtain a copy of it was to record it off TV. Damn.

# 4 21 years ago


# 5 21 years ago

I heard it was a remix made exsecailly for the commercial... I'm trying to find it luck so far

# 6 21 years ago

I was wondering that too...also do u know the song on the gatorade ad where they say:'lose touch lose weight lose time for you...and what do you do for me' i really like that song...please email me if u find either of those songs...thanx!
# 7 20 years ago

> I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song and the artist who does the new gatorade commercial. Some of the words are 'keep it going' and in one part it says '1...2....3....freeze'
> It's not Keep It Going by Doug E. Fresh, I found that song and it's definitely not it. Anybody know the answer, please??!!??!!??
# 8 19 years ago

> I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song and the artist who does the new gatorade commercial. Some of the words are 'keep it going' and in one part it says '1...2....3....freeze'
> It's not Keep It Going by Doug E. Fresh, I found that song and it's definitely not it. Anybody know the answer, please??!!??!!??
# 9 19 years ago

> > I'm desperately trying to find out the name of the song and the artist who does the new gatorade commercial. Some of the words are 'keep it going' and in one part it says '1...2....3....freeze'
> : It's not Keep It Going by Doug E. Fresh, I found that song and it's definitely not it. Anybody know the answer, please??!!??!!??
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