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Volvo Commerical Music

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# 1 20 years ago

Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 2 20 years ago

That's COMMERCIAL, nimrod.

> Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 3 20 years ago

thanks for the correction dumb f**k

> That's COMMERCIAL, nimrod.
> --------------------------------------------
> > Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 4 20 years ago

Yea, I'm looking for this song too... I've been trying requests here:
# 5 20 years ago

I sent an email to volvo a few months back and they said it was inhouse music...> Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 6 20 years ago

I sent an email to volvo a few months back and they said it was inhouse music...> Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 7 20 years ago

> I sent an email to volvo a few months back and they said it was inhouse music...> Hi, I have seen this volvo commerical many times since july 2003 with background music that I really like and the commerical is about how volvo has 4 wheel drive vehicles and has a guitar playing in the background. Like you see different models driving and they pass signs that say ALL WHEEL DRIVE like as if they are road signs. I have looked everywhere on the internet and I am hoping that some one from volvo sales will see this. I know the artist isnt paul oaken field's starry eye surprise field or Chemical brothers PERIOD or Audio Bully's SNAKE. Those are different ads. Oh yea BTW this song was also played during a Southpark Commercial for some merchandise like Episodes or somin. PLEASE TELL ME THE SONG AND ARTIST! Thanks!
# 8 19 years ago

Maybe youre talking about "mr. scruff - get a move on"?
# 9 19 years ago

I would like to know who the artist is that sings on the new Volvo 2005 commercials that Volvo is presently using.
Thank you. Peter Christensen.
# 10 18 years ago

> I would like to know who the artist is that sings on the new Volvo 2005 commercials that Volvo is presently using.
> Thank you. Peter Christensen.
At first I thought it was Bob Dylan, but the more I hear it, it sounds like Donovan....
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