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music video i.d.

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# 1 21 years ago

i'm trying to find the name of the artist who did this amazing video... it's a soft, trippy rock song.. there are these crazy creatures, and the entire world they live in is grey, including them. the video centers on a factory and one of them finds a bright light, which makes him take on a color (i forget which one).. he instantly becomes happy, powerful, and eventually becomes the head of the factory... but once there, he loses the light, and does everything he can to get it back, but ultimately fails and withers... it ends with another creature finding the light.. thanks for any help, it would mean a lot..
# 2 21 years ago

Phil Lament
It's titled, 'More' and i think you can find it in 'Intensity TV' It's a PBS show that showcases all these short films from around the world! Good stuff! They're also online, so, you don't hafta wait every week!
# 3 21 years ago

> i'm trying to find the name of the artist who did this amazing video... it's a soft, trippy rock song.. there are these crazy creatures, and the entire world they live in is grey, including them. the video centers on a factory and one of them finds a bright light, which makes him take on a color (i forget which one).. he instantly becomes happy, powerful, and eventually becomes the head of the factory... but once there, he loses the light, and does everything he can to get it back, but ultimately fails and withers... it ends with another creature finding the light.. thanks for any help, it would mean a lot..
It sounds alot like a Tool video. I'm not sure what the name of the song is, but that's who you should look for.
# 4 21 years ago

Phil Lament
I found this page that has a few vids that might fit your bill,
# 5 21 years ago

not a tool video, I think it is by a band names Keno

# 6 20 years ago

holy crap, i've been searching for the same music video for a long time. if you figure out what it is, please pass it on.
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