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Model from Dentyne Ice commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know who was the guy from the Dentyne Ice pool hall commercial from 2001?

He has also done print work for a clothing company named Body Body Wear around the same time the commercial was airing., his most recent appearance was in the promo for FOX's Paradise Hotel.

A few people said it was Johnny Knoxville but it's not him although he worked in the car wash Dentyne Ice commercial from years past.

Any help with name and/or website{s} will be very appreciated.
# 2 20 years ago

< hey does anybody know where I can find more pics of the tall short hair blonde from the commercial? I think she's amazingly beautiful. Email me if you know. I would appreciate it.
# 3 19 years ago

Where are the available pics the model? I have been trying to find at least one from the commercial, and I cannot find anything. Thanks!

# 4 19 years ago

Sorry I don't know, but how bout the girl from the dentyne ice commecial where the guy takes her up to the peak or whatever and has only one piece left, and after snagging it from him, gives it back to him with a kiss. Anyone have any idea who she is? I saw her on a sitcom as well.
# 5 19 years ago

I don't know who that guy is but i would really like to know who the girl is in the new commercial(2003-2004) bc she has amazing hair.
It's the one with the 'I can tell by the way you walk' theme song
# 6 19 years ago

I have been looking for the bacardi silver
tv commercial of the girl having the party
and she keeps looking in the peep hole of the door to see friends and if they have the bacardi. why can't i find this commercial.
# 7 19 years ago

I have been looking for the bacardi silver
tv commercial of the girl having the party
and she keeps looking in the peep hole of the door to see friends and if they have the bacardi. why can't i find this commercial.
# 8 19 years ago

has anybody found anything out yet? I would like to get my hair cut like hers, but I can't find any pictures. thanks!
# 9 19 years ago

> < hey does anybody know where I can find more pics of the tall short hair blonde from the commercial? I think she's amazingly beautiful. Email me if you know. I would appreciate it.

hey what up?
you say you want more pic's of her right?! can you tell me where you found the ones you have? that would be awesome. i want her hair cut and i have been looking all over and found this site. so if you have any please e-mail them to me! cool! hope to see you on mailer.
# 10 19 years ago

funny, I have been looking all over for a pic of this haircut as I want it too! Please let me know if you have any luck finding it and I will do the same!
# 11 19 years ago

> I have been looking for the bacardi silver
> tv commercial of the girl having the party
> and she keeps looking in the peep hole of the door to see friends and if they have the bacardi. why can't i find this commercial.
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