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NFL Playoff Commercials

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# 1 20 years ago

I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!
# 2 20 years ago

try i believe....

the last that I saw it had of those commercials
# 3 20 years ago

> I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!

i can already see the new one:

You know what 4th and 26 means?

4th and 26 means impossible. 4th and 26 means that your defense better be warmed up. 4th and 26 means that your drive is over because 26 yards is more like 26 light years. It means turn around and pack your bags because your season is over.

But not anymore. Not since #5, Donovan McNabb. Now 4th and 26 isn't the end, it's just the beginning. 4th and 26 means that you're going to get a first down because there is no other option. 4th and 26 means Freddie Mitchell over the middle. Now 4th and 26 means that there is no fear.

That's what the playoffs are about. Donovan McNabb has taken 4th and 26 and turned it into...1st and 10.
# 4 20 years ago

VERY nice, Leo!
# 5 20 years ago


That's funny, 2 days ago I wrote this:

Right now Don Cheadle's taping the spot that Fox will spring on us every
other commercial break for the next ten years:

"Twenty six. There are 26 miles in a marathon. In football, twenty six
yards is more than a quarter of the football field. Twenty six yards is
almost three times as far from the first down as you were on the first
down. And on fourth down, twenty six is impossible, it's insurmountable,
and its hopeless....until, with thirty-two seconds left, Donavan McNabb
drops back from his own twenty six for a completion to Freddie Mitchel,
and twenty six just becomes one more than twenty five. 26 becomes 26.
That's how important the playoffs are."

Fly Eagles Fly
They'll have to make a commercial for it now.

> > I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!
> i can already see the new one:
> You know what 4th and 26 means?
> 4th and 26 means impossible. 4th and 26 means that your defense better be warmed up. 4th and 26 means that your drive is over because 26 yards is more like 26 light years. It means turn around and pack your bags because your season is over.
> But not anymore. Not since #5, Donovan McNabb. Now 4th and 26 isn't the end, it's just the beginning. 4th and 26 means that you're going to get a first down because there is no other option. 4th and 26 means Freddie Mitchell over the middle. Now 4th and 26 means that there is no fear.
> That's what the playoffs are about. Donovan McNabb has taken 4th and 26 and turned it into...1st and 10.
# 6 20 years ago

Before the playoffs, five was just another prime number. Five was 15 divided by 3, a piece of paper with Abraham Lincoln's face on it. It's what you'd give a buddy you hadn't seen in a while. But that was before the playoffs, before 4th and 26, before # 5 made Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila look like Tom chasing Jerry. Now # 5 is a symbol draped in Green, leading a city of hooligans and its desperation by scrambles and a golden arm. It means rushing for over 100 yards when it ain't even your job. People expect more out of guys that wear 5. That's how big the playoffs are. They took the number 5 and made it...FIVE.

Rumors are this is the script for a new commercial in the works... I have no idea whether this is true or not, but I just thought this was very inspiring.
# 7 20 years ago

just addding my email to the last post by carter.

# 8 20 years ago

This is a link to 9 of them.

I'm missing "Crazy" from last year...and 3 of this years. Since I haven't seen them, I'm not sure which they are...I just know they're making 7 of them (one to air during the SuperBowl).

But this should be a good start for you.

# 9 20 years ago

> I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!
Go to they have the videos there.
# 10 20 years ago

thats pimped out are they really makin a commercial like that?
# 11 20 years ago

I dont know where to find em, but heres my idea for one for all you eagles fans

Before the playoffs, 17 was for teenagers and gamblers. 17 meant senior year of high school, drivers lisence and R rated movies. 17 for the dealer means your 18 wins you some good money. But then came the playoffs and 17 was transformed into something more. No longer is 17 just a prime number. It now stands for something bigger. It stands for an unapreciated QB leading an underdog team to the super bowl with two straight road wins. It means leaving a miserable group of fans to cry about three straight close calls with glory and wondering what could have been. That's how big the playoffs are, they took 17, an ordinary number, and made it something big.
# 12 20 years ago

Go to and search for don cheadle. They have 5 commercials i think.

Good luck!
# 13 20 years ago

What is the name of the classical music song in the NFL commerical show all the teams in this years playoffs.
# 14 20 years ago

> I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!
# 15 20 years ago

> I love all of the NFL commercials out now that have Don Cheadle in them. Does anybody know where I can find either the commericals themselves to download or the "scripts" to them?? I keep doing searches and am getting no results!!!
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