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Lipitor commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

anyone know the song in the Lipitor commercial where the woman surfs and then knocks the surf boards down???? sounds like thingy dale..... -shawn
# 2 20 years ago

> Hey, shawn, isn't that great! I've been searching the web for that myself. One guy responded that he checked with lipitor maker directly and was told it was "original music done for the commerical" but no other details. It ain't Dale, I'm pretty sure, though that might be who'd they'd go to ... but, I've got to find out as every time I hear it it's stuck in my brain for a week.
# 3 20 years ago

> Update: Shawn, found site that lists it only as "commissioned by Amber Music." I sent an email to Amber Music to see if they can give more info.
# 4 20 years ago

> >Please let me know when you find out. I've got to find that song.

Hey, shawn, isn't that great! I've been searching the web for that myself. One guy responded that he checked with lipitor maker directly and was told it was "original music done for the commerical" but no other details. It ain't Dale, I'm pretty sure, though that might be who'd they'd go to ... but, I've got to find out as every time I hear it it's stuck in my brain for a week.
# 5 20 years ago

> anyone know the song in the Lipitor commercial where the woman surfs and then knocks the surf boards down???? Its been in my head and I just wanted to know.
# 6 20 years ago

> anyone know the song in the Lipitor commercial where the woman surfs and then knocks the surf boards down???? sounds like thingy dale..... -shawn

Not sure if this will help...The song for the commercial for the lady in the black evening gown walking down the red carpet was Boehemian Sunset by Jazznova, maybe your song is in that group....

# 7 20 years ago

The Lipitor "Diva" commercial music is commissioned from a British outfit and was done by Mike Hewer -- the 60 sec MP3 has been released because of demand, search and you'll find it posted.

> > anyone know the song in the Lipitor commercial where the woman surfs and then knocks the surf boards down???? sounds like thingy dale..... -shawn
> Not sure if this will help...The song for the commercial for the lady in the black evening gown walking down the red carpet was Boehemian Sunset by Jazznova, maybe your song is in that group....
> Tony
# 8 19 years ago

I have to have it. Could it be the ventures?

> > Hey, shawn, isn't that great! I've been searching the web for that myself. One guy responded that he checked with lipitor maker directly and was told it was "original music done for the commerical" but no other details. It ain't Dale, I'm pretty sure, though that might be who'd they'd go to ... but, I've got to find out as every time I hear it it's stuck in my brain for a week.
# 9 19 years ago

> I have to have it. Could it be the ventures?
> > > Hey, shawn, isn't that great! I've been searching the web for that myself. One guy responded that he checked with lipitor maker directly and was told it was "original music done for the commerical" but no other details. It ain't Dale, I'm pretty sure, though that might be who'd they'd go to ... but, I've got to find out as every time I hear it it's stuck in my brain for a week.
> I don't know but if your like "surf" check out the AQUA VELVETS
# 10 19 years ago

Here, I found this. Its a link right to the commercial..

# 11 18 years ago

Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop in the lipitor commercial on TV.
# 12 18 years ago

> Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop in the lipitor commercial on TV.
# 13 18 years ago

> Who is the hunk that jumps in the pool with all the girls watching him do a belly flop in the lipitor commercial on TV.
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