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# 1 20 years ago

Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan??
# 2 20 years ago

> Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan?? no but if you don't mind...could u email it to me? please also do u know the song playing when payton and brooke enter the college party and you know the new commercials that say their screen names for the new episodes...that's a good song too but i don't know what it is either? lol please help....i can help you look for other song stuff too....just not from one tree
# 3 20 years ago

> > Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan?? no but if you don't mind...could u email it to me? please also do u know the song playing when payton and brooke enter the college party and you know the new commercials that say their screen names for the new episodes...that's a good song too but i don't know what it is either? lol please help....i can help you look for other song stuff too....just not from one tree
# 4 20 years ago

> > Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan?? no but if you don't mind...could u email it to me? please also do u know the song playing when payton and brooke enter the college party and you know the new commercials that say their screen names for the new episodes...that's a good song too but i don't know what it is either? lol please help....i can help you look for other song stuff too....just not from one tree
# 5 20 years ago

> > Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan?? no but if you don't mind...could u email it to me? please also do u know the song playing when payton and brooke enter the college party and you know the new commercials that say their screen names for the new episodes...that's a good song too but i don't know what it is either? lol please help....i can help you look for other song stuff too....just not from one tree
# 6 18 years ago

> Hey does anyone know what song is playing the background in the ep "Crash into you" where Lucas accuses Haley of defending Nathan??
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