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Name of Title an Song

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# 1 23 years ago

What's the name of the artist and the song in which a guy (it's a CARTOON-video!) walks into a fastfood restaurant and finds the cow that is being cut into peaces while it's still alive?
Thankx in advance,
# 2 20 years ago

> Im looking for the song used in a GMC commercial, not the horse one but it shows a golden suv speeding along the desert panning the horizon of a light blue sky. It is strictly an instrumental song...orchestral in nature.
> : A cookie to anyone who has the answer.
# 3 20 years ago

I'm looking for that one....... No answer yet
# 4 20 years ago

I'm looking for that one....... No answer yet
# 5 20 years ago

> > Im looking for the song used in a GMC commercial, not the horse one but it shows a golden suv speeding along the desert panning the horizon of a light blue sky. It is strictly an instrumental song...orchestral in nature.
> > : A cookie to anyone who has the answer.
> >
# 6 19 years ago

I'm looking for the Song/Audio Track used in the GMC SUV commercial where the Designer is tossing crumpled paper in the corner and it cut scenes to junkers falling from the sky in a field. It's and electronic piece that
opens with a piano like progression.
# 7 19 years ago

Ditto. I want it bad.
# 8 19 years ago

Me too. Please email to me.

> > Im looking for the song used in a GMC commercial, not the horse one but it shows a golden suv speeding along the desert panning the horizon of a light blue sky. It is strictly an instrumental song...orchestral in nature.
> > : A cookie to anyone who has the answer.
> >
# 9 19 years ago

I'm looking for that too. Anyone find out what it's called?
# 10 19 years ago

> I'm looking for the Song/Audio Track used in the GMC SUV commercial where the Designer is tossing crumpled paper in the corner and it cut scenes to junkers falling from the sky in a field. It's and electronic piece that
> opens with a piano like progression.
# 11 19 years ago

what is the artists name of 1950s'-60' song Volare
# 12 18 years ago

> > > Im looking for the song used in a GMC commercial. It goes like this...."All you want to do is use me"
(All 12 messages )

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