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songs from the movie Cruel Intentions

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# 1 20 years ago

i would like to know the name of three songs

one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.

the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.

the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.

thank you
# 2 20 years ago

okay, i can't remember the first one, but the second one is by Counting Crows, and its called Colorblind, and the last one is bittersweet symphony by the verve. hope that helps
# 3 20 years ago

> the first song is "every you and every me" by placebo
# 4 20 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 5 20 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 6 20 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 7 20 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 8 20 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 9 20 years ago

The first song you are asking for is called every you and every me by Placebo. The escalator scene is called Ready for Love. Now can someone please tell me what is the name of the song played when Cecile Caldwell made her escape from her house and went to the Valmont house where she ended up getting eaten?
# 10 20 years ago

Every you Every me - Placebo
Counting Crows - Colour Blind
Bittersweet Symphonie - The Verv

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you

no probles.... just go on the inter net and look up the movie and then put song list..... you'll find it no problem!
# 11 19 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> every you and every me
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> every you and every me
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> colorblind
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> bittersweet symphony
> thank you
# 12 19 years ago

> i would like to know the name of three songs
> every you and evry me
> one was when the movie is starting and their showing naming all the people in it.
> color blind
> the other song is when reese withersthingy is leaving and shes going to the train station.the part where is is going up the escalater.
> bittersweet symphony
> the last song is in the very end when the girl is giving the speech.
> thank you
# 13 19 years ago

i would like to know the name of a song
the ending scenes where we see the main character driving away...
# 14 19 years ago

does anyone know the name of the wordless music when hes leaving the psychologists office and pulling up outside his house for the first time?
# 15 19 years ago

> okay, i can't remember the first one, but the second one is by Counting Crows, and its called Colorblind, and the last one is bittersweet symphony by the verve. hope that helps
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