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"Its Good to be Rich" -NFL commercial Song

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# 1 20 years ago

Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
~Kichi -_^
# 2 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> ~Kichi -_^

I think its a Steve Winwood tune - we're having the same debate here.
# 3 20 years ago

> > Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> > ~Kichi -_^
> I think its a Steve Winwood tune - we're having the same debate here.
It is the Steve Winwood tune; just checked on the iTunes music store, it's called Dear Mr. Fantasy.
# 4 20 years ago

Hey Just so you know the band is called "Traffic" Song is called Dear Mr.Fantasy The name of the Record is Mr.Fantasy originally released in 1967...

Remembered what it was more because of dave Mason who recorded with clapton later on..

Now answer me this.... Where can I download the commercial? I wanna take pieces of it and make my own commercial with me in it.. lol but seriously does anyone know where I can download it?
# 5 20 years ago

> > > Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> > > ~Kichi -_^
> >
> > I think its a Steve Winwood tune - we're having the same debate here.
> >
> It is the Steve Winwood tune; just checked on the iTunes music store, it's called Dear Mr. Fantasy.

I've definitely heard that song by Traffic, "Dear Mr. Fantasy"
# 6 20 years ago

> > > Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> > > ~Kichi -_^
> >
> > I think its a Steve Winwood tune - we're having the same debate here.
> >
> It is the Steve Winwood tune; just checked on the iTunes music store, it's called Dear Mr. Fantasy.

I've definitely heard that song by Traffic, "Dear Mr. Fantasy"
# 7 20 years ago

The song is by Traffic, Mr. Fantasy great song.....enjoy!
# 8 20 years ago

Its by Traffic, Mr. Fantasy
# 9 20 years ago

Its by Traffic, Mr. Fantasy
# 10 20 years ago

Can anyone tell me where to find the commercial for CBS playoffs and they talk about a diamond ring (meaning super bowl ring) and then show a bunch of football players? I'm in it and i wanna download it!!!!!!!!
# 11 20 years ago

Adam Gronwald
> > > Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> > > ~Kichi -_^
> >
> > I think its a Steve Winwood tune - we're having the same debate here.
> >
> It is the Steve Winwood tune; just checked on the iTunes music store, it's called Dear Mr. Fantasy.

Thanks. -Adam
# 12 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> ~Kichi -_^
# 13 20 years ago

> Can anyone PLEASE tell me who sings the song in the NFL commercial "Its Good To be Rich"...I appreciate it
> ~Kichi -_^
# 14 20 years ago

I think you are talking about the commercial for the NFL done by Don Cheadle.
It talks about how a diamond ring used to mean giving up bachelorhood and "a long talk with Jean-Pierre about princess cuts and baguettes (sp?)" and then at the end puts his fist up to the camera showing a Super Bowl Ring.
It runs constantly on the NFL network if you have Direct TV. I don't know where to find it, but perhaps this information will help you narrow your search.
# 15 20 years ago

> I think you are talking about the commercial for the NFL done by Don Cheadle.
> It talks about how a diamond ring used to mean giving up bachelorhood and "a long talk with Jean-Pierre about princess cuts and baguettes (sp?)" and then at the end puts his fist up to the camera showing a Super Bowl Ring.
> It runs constantly on the NFL network if you have Direct TV. I don't know where to find it, but perhaps this information will help you narrow your search.
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