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What's that house tune they play in the new samsung commercial??

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# 1 20 years ago

It's a commercial for the new samsung mobile phone. I think it starts in a club and is about taking pictures with the integrated camera!?! (NOT THE MOTOROLA COMMERCIAL!!)
# 2 20 years ago

I really like this tune too, if you find out what it is could you please email me the name or something. thanx.
# 3 19 years ago

I'm also interested in the title of this slamming tune: I can tell that it is in the Samsung X600 commercial (as displayed in the beginning of 2004 in Belgium).

> I really like this tune too, if you find out what it is could you please email me the name or something. thanx.
# 4 19 years ago

I was listening to music randomly in my collection and came across "Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock". I heard this, and thought it sounded familiar as I was also trying to find out the name of that track. I'm not sure if this is it though, as I haven't seen the ad in a while. If this is the song, then the part used starts about 1 minute into the song (Extended edit).

> I'm also interested in the title of this slamming tune: I can tell that it is in the Samsung X600 commercial (as displayed in the beginning of 2004 in Belgium).
> Anyone?
# 5 19 years ago

Am I wrong or do they play 2 different songs on that commercial? The Ferry Corsten song sounds like one of them, anyone know the other?

> I was listening to music randomly in my collection and came across "Ferry Corsten - Rock Your Body Rock". I heard this, and thought it sounded familiar as I was also trying to find out the name of that track. I'm not sure if this is it though, as I haven't seen the ad in a while. If this is the song, then the part used starts about 1 minute into the song (Extended edit).
> > I'm also interested in the title of this slamming tune: I can tell that it is in the Samsung X600 commercial (as displayed in the beginning of 2004 in Belgium).
> > Anyone?
# 6 19 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the slow song in that commercial (unless thats the one you're talking about) the only lyrics it plays are "I was cryin over you".

# 7 19 years ago

I know Samsung has a commercial that features a song called "What are you afraid of?" by West Indian Girl. They are a new band and have their first release due out August 24th on Astralwerks records.
# 8 19 years ago

The song with 'I was crying over you' is "Dice" by Finley Quaye. Awesome song.
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