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yhe name of the song on the pepsi commercial?

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# 1 20 years ago

i was wondering about a song and it really got to me so i was hopeing that some one on here could tell me the song that every one sings on the pepsi commercial where they are walkin on the wall and its like the 70s to the 80s kind of stuff
# 2 20 years ago

> i was wondering what the name oft hat song is on that one epsi commecial where.. the dog eats the sandwhich on the counter, then puts the cat up there, the song is like he lives a life of danger or something.. i was wondering the name of that song..
# 3 19 years ago

> i was wondering about a song and it really got to me so i was hopeing that some one on here could tell me the song that every one sings on the pepsi commercial where they are running in a field and it is the waitress and the costamer that are running to each other

# 4 19 years ago

> > i was wondering what the name oft hat song is on that one epsi commecial where.. the dog eats the sandwhich on the counter, then puts the cat up there, the song is like he lives a life of danger or something.. i was wondering the name of that song..
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