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led zeppelin song

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# 1 20 years ago

does anybody know the name of the led zeppelin song that goes something like "red lights, green lights, stop and go"?
# 2 20 years ago

I think you're hearing a Billy Squier song (He does sometimes sound a little Plant-like) called "Lonely is the Night"

Red lights, green lights, stop 'n go jive
Headlines, deadlines jammin' your mind
You been stealin' shots from the side
Let your feelin's go for a ride

> does anybody know the name of the led zeppelin song that goes something like "red lights, green lights, stop and go"?
# 3 20 years ago

I heard a song with lyrics "Lonely Is The Night" on a classic rock station not too long ago, and it DOES sound very much like Robert Plant. Is this Squier?

> I think you're hearing a Billy Squier song (He does sometimes sound a little Plant-like) called "Lonely is the Night"
> Red lights, green lights, stop 'n go jive
> Headlines, deadlines jammin' your mind
> You been stealin' shots from the side
> Let your feelin's go for a ride
> > does anybody know the name of the led zeppelin song that goes something like "red lights, green lights, stop and go"?
# 4 19 years ago

does anyone know where i can find translations to what the meanings behind led zeppelin songs?
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