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Venice sighting

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# 1 12 years ago

Anyone live in Venice? I was there recently and saw this guy cruising around? Any locals know the story on him? Does he frequently grace the beach with his presence?
# 2 12 years ago

I'm familiar with venice, and I don't think I've seen that guy before. I'll keep a lookout though. I once saw a sea lion moving around on the sand in front of onlookers. It was cute, but eventually lifeguards had to direct it back to water.
# 3 12 years ago

I don't live near a beach anymore, but when I did, I used to see a lot of crazies. Mostly old hippies.
# 4 12 years ago

Haters gonna hate. That guy is rad, haha. He just skates through the people?
# 5 12 years ago

Yeah, but he was also stopping people, and telling them that it's okay to swerve. All the people were confused, which was awesome!
# 6 12 years ago

This sounds amazing. Nothing happens whenever I go to the beach.
# 7 12 years ago

Does he do that to drunk people? Since they're swerving?
# 8 12 years ago

I don't think so. He just skates around, approaches people, says that it's okay to swerve, and skates off. Swag!
# 9 12 years ago

I don't really see much whenever I go to the beach, but one time I saw a guy catch a shark while fishing. Pretty lame, but a small crowd gathered to see.
# 10 12 years ago

Does the guy ever ask for money, or does he just do that in his spare time? What does it say on his chest? Or is that just the brand of his skin suit?
# 11 12 years ago

He seems to be enjoying himself quite a lot. He should skate around at that skate park there.
# 12 12 years ago

I don't live near a beach, but wish I did. Is Venice really like that?
# 13 12 years ago

Yup, there's a lot of weird people, but that's what makes venice normal.
# 14 12 years ago

I got stung by a jellyfish once, and it sucked.
# 15 12 years ago

I always see these same type of people on Hollywood Blvd. I guess they just migrate to the ocean when it gets hot.
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