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Bailey's Commercial music (Pool table, cute blonde)

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# 1 22 years ago

Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
# 2 21 years ago

I heard that it was Moby's Porcelain

: Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
> All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
> Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
> Thanks
: Greg

# 3 21 years ago

Check out this site, it tells you. Do you know any place I can download this clip from? I'd really like to find it

: I heard that it was Moby's Porcelain
:> Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
>> All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
>> Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
>> Thanks
:> Greg

# 4 21 years ago

> Check out this site, it tells you. Do you know any place I can download this clip from? I'd really like to find it
:> I heard that it was Moby's Porcelain
:> : Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
>> : All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
>> : Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
>> : Thanks
:> : Greg

# 5 21 years ago

Monkey Monkey Monkey
It's not Moby's 'Porcelain'. has it as The Beta Band's 'B + A', but it's not that either.
I'm not sure who it is, but I'm trying to find it.
# 6 21 years ago

Who is the cute blonde in that commercial if anyone knows please, thanks.
# 7 21 years ago

the lyrics are, 'i know what it takes ... to catch a thief.' i have also searched long and hard with no results. it is most definitely not Moby's Porcelain. i've heard references to the Beta Band (A+B), but they are a quartet of guys and the woman singing is, well, a woman.
# 8 20 years ago

I too have been trying to find out what the song is. Its not Moby and not the Beta Band. Someone suggested that it might be portishead, but I can't find that out for sure. Let me know if you find it. Mike
> I heard that it was Moby's Porcelain
:> Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
>> All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
>> Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
>> Thanks
:> Greg

# 9 20 years ago

the track for the cool bailey's ad is by 4Hero, it's called LeFeur!!! not too sure about awho the blonde girl is though
# 10 19 years ago

> Trying to find the source of the music for the Bailey's Irish Cream commercial with the pretty blonde and her three guy friends.
> All I can make out of the lyrics is 'I know what it takes'
> Any help would really be appriciated as I've torn the internet apart trying to find it...
> Thanks
> Greg
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