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nfl network song

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# 1 20 years ago

anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
# 2 20 years ago

> anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial

Hey I've been searching for that song too. I even called the local radio stations and no one knows. Let me know if you find it and I'll do the same.
# 3 20 years ago

> > anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
> Hey I've been searching for that song too. I even called the local radio stations and no one knows. Let me know if you find it and I'll do the same.
Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic.
# 4 20 years ago

"Dear Mr Fantasy" by the group Traffic or sometimes refered to as Blind Faith
# 5 20 years ago

NFL song is "Dear Mr. Fantasy" by Traffic
# 6 20 years ago

I found the name of the song your looking for...I too have been searching for the name of that song forever ever since I first seen that commercial...It's called DEAR MR. FANTASY and the group who sings it is TRAFFIC
# 7 20 years ago

Thank you Alliana!
# 8 20 years ago

> Thank you. I too have been searching high and low for the name of this song.
# 9 19 years ago

> anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
# 10 19 years ago

Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic.
Also performed by the Grateful Dead and (solo) Steve Winwood.
# 11 19 years ago

> > anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
> Hey I've been searching for that song too. I even called the local radio stations and no one knows. Let me know if you find it and I'll do the same.

>Anyone found it yet?
# 12 19 years ago

> > anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
> Hey I've been searching for that song too. I even called the local radio stations and no one knows. Let me know if you find it and I'll do the same.

That song was called "Dear Mr. Fantasy" and it was by a band called Traffic back in 1967 or so.
# 13 19 years ago

The song is "Dear Mr. Fantasy" from the group Traffic.

> > anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
> Hey I've been searching for that song too. I even called the local radio stations and no one knows. Let me know if you find it and I'll do the same.
# 14 19 years ago

Does anyone know who sings the tune for the NFL Network commercial of the Quarterbacks past & present throwing the ball? It talks about defense & Quarterback stating "he's got all kinds of time."

# 15 18 years ago

> anyone kno the nfl network commercial with rich eisen where he's in the hottub i wanna kno the song from the commercial
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