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cingular commercial tune

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# 1 19 years ago

i'm looking for a song that's in a new cingular ad. in the lyrics it says something "wanna make you mine" also has "4-5-6 wanna get your kicks"
# 2 19 years ago

Are you gonna be my girl

is the name of the band / song
# 3 19 years ago

yeah the song is jet - are you gonna be my girl
# 4 19 years ago

>i was just wondering if the triples that so the cegular commericials have a wedsite?
# 5 19 years ago

>i was just wondering if the triples that so the cegular commericials have a wedsite?
# 6 19 years ago

> i'm looking for a song that's in a new cingular ad. in the lyrics it says something "wanna make you mine" also has "4-5-6 wanna get your kicks"
# 7 19 years ago

I'm looking fir the name of a tune on a new cingular commercialmthat has in it: "take the load off", I think.
# 8 19 years ago

Im lookin for a song thats in the new cingular commmercial, it says something about "I don't care how you get to me, just get to me."
# 9 18 years ago

> Im lookin for a song thats in the new cingular commmercial, it says something about "I don't care how you get to me, just get to me."

Please let me know if you find out the lyrics to taht thanks.
# 10 18 years ago

> Im lookin for a song thats in the new cingular commmercial, it says something about "I don't care how you get to me, just get to me."
# 11 18 years ago

Well an airplane’s faster than a Cadillac
And a whole lot smoother than a camel’s back
But I don’t care how you get to me
Just get to me

Parasail or first class mail
Get on the back of a Nightingale
Just get to me
I don’t care just get to me

Prokeds, mopeds take a limousine instead
They ain’t cheap but they’re easy to find
Get on the highway point yourself my way
Take a roller coaster that comes in sideways
Just get to me - yeah

Go on hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly
There’s no better way to fly
To get to me
I look around at what I got
And without you, it ain’t a lot
But I got everything, with you, everything

Maybe you could pollinate over the Golden Gate
Take a left hand turn at the corner of Haight
And then a sharp right at the first street light
And get yourself on a motor bike
And if you think you’ll get stuck in a traffic jam
That’s fine, send yourself through a telephone line
It doesn’t matter how you get to me
Just get to me

Go on hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly
There’s no better way to fly
To get to me
I look around at what I got
And without you, it ain’t a lot
But I got everything, with you, everything

Cause after every day
The wind blows the nighttime my way
And I imagine that you are
Above me like a star
And you keep on glowing
And you keep on showing me the way

Go on hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly
There’s no better way to fly
To get to me, no no
I look around at what I got
Without you, it ain’t a lot
But I got everything, with you, everything

# 12 18 years ago

> > Im lookin for a song thats in the new cingular commmercial, it says something about "I don't care how you get to me, just get to me."
> Please let me know if you find out the lyrics to taht thanks.
# 13 18 years ago

i want to know what that song from the cingular commercial is too email me if you fine out
# 14 18 years ago

Train -Get to me
# 15 18 years ago

It's "Get to Me." Type the lyrics "I don't care you get to me just get to me" into Google and you'll find a lot of sites with the lyrics--the most common versions are by Train and Cody Gill. The Cingular version isn't by Train, so I'm guessing it's Cody Gill.

> > Im lookin for a song thats in the new cingular commmercial, it says something about "I don't care how you get to me, just get to me."
> Please let me know if you find out the lyrics to taht thanks.
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