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Motorola Commercial (Hello-Moto)

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It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
# 2 16 years ago

The Motorola "Hello Moto" campaign (stylized as "HELLOMOTO") encompassed a number of commercials, and thus a number of songs were used.

De Phazz - "Heartfixer". The song has a vivid vibe, with a piano riff sampled and repeated throughout the song, later a phaser effect mangling it.

Brassy - "Play Some D" is a drum heavy rock/break-beat song with a female vocalist

Kinobe - "Theatricks" (no music video) is a low-tempo, pipe organ sample dominated, mellow/slow electronic song.

Lemon Jelly - "In The Bath". A down-tempo, drone-like electronic song, uses a sample of a woman asking "what do you do in the bath?"

Paul Van Dyk feat. Vega 4 ‎- "Connected" (Moto mix 05). Released circa 2003, this song is a Eurodance/House/Electronic track.
Edited by moderator on Tue Jan 30 19:53:36 2018
# 3 21 years ago

> It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
Any luck finding the name of that song? I'm still looking...

# 4 21 years ago

The 'Hello Moto' track is by Kinobe, and called Theatricks...

# 5 21 years ago

Im looking for the song as well, i think that it may be by Lemon Jelly but im not sure wat one, email me if you get it
from Rob
> It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 6 21 years ago

: It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 7 21 years ago

I too am going crazy trying to figure out what song that is. I need it. I want it.
You know the one with the woman in the wedding dress, and the moto-hip moto-hop thing.
Please! ANYONE?
# 8 21 years ago

> It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
a little detective work and we've got it....
Lemon Jelly - In The Bath
(downloading it now :)

# 9 21 years ago
> It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting
the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 10 21 years ago
> It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting
the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 11 21 years ago

I don't know which one oyu are referring to, but one of the 'Hello Moto' adverts is called 'play some d' by Brassy.
Don't think that is the one you after but whatever...

# 12 21 years ago

Here ya go...I'm looking for a wave file of the voice saying 'hello moto'...

: It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 13 21 years ago

The song you are probably looking for is Heartfixer by De-Phazz. You can hear a sample on the UK site, link in the optional URL section. I've been looking for the other Hello Moto commercial music with no luck. - Pat

: It's driving me nuts...I must find the song played in the 1ST Motorola ad that's promoting the 'Hello Moto' campaign. I know they've had 2 commercials out but I'm looking for just the first one. The music is very mellow and slow. Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.

# 14 20 years ago

The song you're looking for is called 'Play Some D' by Brassy.
# 15 20 years ago

Brassy - Play Some D
Paul van Dyk feat Vega 4 - Connected (Moto Mix)
I hope this hepls
Paul (Wales, UK)

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