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new Bailey's Irish Cream commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

> > What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial where they're all floating about and eating bubbles a baileys
> tis buggin me no end
# 17 20 years ago

> well what is the song called?
> im dying to know please tell me too!
it is called les fleurs by 4 hero - can e-mail it to you if you wish
# 18 20 years ago

> What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial in which the girl spills her drink, and then a guy comes over to wipe it up, with all these bits about "sense of loss, duty, humor"?
# 19 20 years ago

> What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial in which they are floating about in zero gravity
# 20 20 years ago

> > What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial in which the girl spills her drink, and then a guy comes over to wipe it up, with all these bits about "sense of loss, duty, humor"?
# 21 20 years ago

da one where da guy comes to da counter and meet da girl, skills da bailey, wipes da table, and about to wipe her.."thing"

i wanna kno da background music


4hero - les fleur
# 22 20 years ago

> da one where da guy comes to da counter and meet da girl, skills da bailey, wipes da table, and about to wipe her.."thing"
> i wanna kno da background music
> 4hero - les fleur

I'm sure it is 4hero - les fleur, I've downloaded it from Kazaa, also lyrics i found online are the same as the in the commercial. to listen to the track, check this out:
# 23 20 years ago

> > da one where da guy comes to da counter and meet da girl, skills da bailey, wipes da table, and about to wipe her.."thing"
> >
> > i wanna kno da background music
> >
> >
> > 4hero - les fleur
> I'm sure it is 4hero - les fleur, I've downloaded it from Kazaa, also lyrics i found online are the same as the in the commercial. to listen to the track, check this out:

I've also downloaded it and it is not the same song. The song in teh commercial doesnt have lyrics, unless you guys get a diff song. Maybe depends on where we live
# 24 20 years ago

> What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial where its "infectios" i was in college the other day and there was a spinners jam on the music that is in this ad was playing and it annoyed me that i didint know it.. does anyone know it?
# 25 20 years ago

What is the song it the Bailey's ad where the caption is "infectiuos"? its where they're in zero gravity.. if anyone knows can you kindly forward to my email address? Thanks!
# 26 19 years ago

yea..its not 4hero, its has no lyrics

its just a smooth bg music.
# 27 19 years ago

can someone please tell me what's the background music in the last bailey's commercial where all people fly like they are in space...?
thanx! Marlies
# 28 19 years ago

I dunno, but is that Thome Yorke from Radiohead who pops up at the end?
# 29 19 years ago

I e-mailed Bailey's and they said it was an original composition by John Walsh and is unavailable.
# 30 19 years ago

> What is the background music for the latest Bailey's commercial in which the girl spills her drink, and then a guy comes over to wipe it up, with all these bits about "sense of loss, duty, humor"?

I think it's 4 hero, creating patterns album, les fleurs
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