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Infinity car commerical

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# 1 20 years ago

Hello Thanks for any help you can provide. Its the Infinity car commercial that starts off with couple in it listening to music and then they stop and the driver opens door and everything goes to black and white and music stops he closes door and all goes back to color and music starts playing again. Is there anyway to get name of music and where I can get it????
# 2 19 years ago

> Hello Thanks for any help you can provide. Its the Infinity car commercial all new-m that starts off with a silver car with orange lights
circling the headlights then the wheels and body, along with it is a weird song, any ideas where i can find it? sounds like new age.
# 3 19 years ago

I'm almost looking for that song, anyone know what it is?
# 4 18 years ago

This is link to site that talks about it;

These are links to QTs:
# 5 18 years ago

> > Hello Thanks for any help you can provide. Its the Infinity car commercial all new-m that starts off with a silver car with orange lights
> circling the headlights then the wheels and body, along with it is a weird song, any ideas where i can find it? sounds like new age.
according to this site:

"The campaign’s music was created by composer David Wittman of Elias Arts in Los Angeles, where Dave Gold is creative director and Dayna Turcott is producer and head of production. Skywalker Sound in Marin County, Calif., created the sound design and the final audio mixes."
# 6 18 years ago

> > Hello Thanks for any help you can provide. Its the Infinity car commercial all new-m that starts off with a silver car with orange lights
> circling the headlights then the wheels and body, along with it is a weird song; any ideas what it is?>
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