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mitsubishi t.v. ad

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# 1 22 years ago

there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.
# 2 22 years ago

The song is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas

# 3 21 years ago

'Days go by' by Dirty Vegas
# 4 21 years ago

I'm looking for the same song. Have you found it?

: there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.

# 5 21 years ago

the song is also at the end of the movie of american pie 1. get the movie and watch for the credits at the end. i am also trying to find the name and i have not got the movie yet
# 6 21 years ago


# 7 20 years ago

the name of he song is 'Days Go By' and the name of the group is Dirty Vegas.
> there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.

# 8 21 years ago

smooth operator
Days Goes dy by Dirty Vegas

# 9 21 years ago

This is a group called DIRTY VEGAS,a nd the song is DAYS GO BY
> there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.

# 10 21 years ago

Tom Crawford
The song is from a band called Dirty Vegas. The song is called Days Gone By
# 11 21 years ago

'Days Gone By' = Dirty Vegas.
Cool song.
# 12 21 years ago

> there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.
'Days go by' by Dirty Vagas'

# 13 21 years ago

Song is by dirtu vegas called 'days go by'

# 14 21 years ago

> there is this girl with dark hair wearing a hat dancing to the background music. she is in the passenger seat. there is a guy in the back seat and a guy driving. i want to know the name of the group playing the song in this mitsubishi ad. this is different from the 'start the commotion' ad.some of the words are 'days go by still i think of you', and, 'with out you'.

# 15 20 years ago

What is the name of the song on the latest mitsubishi t.v. commercial?

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