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Need help!!!!

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# 1 22 years ago

I heard this song a few times at a club I go's by a female, and it's in the dance/techno genre. There is ONLY a few words and then the rest is it goes....'Runaway-Faraway-Runaway'. WOW! That should help everyone out--I know it helps me! It's NOT Real McCoy, or the Corrs. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
# 2 22 years ago

It's by Mario's from England. The version you want is him with 'MORE'.
# 3 19 years ago

2: Freetime
I need the freetime
I need to get away
I need the freetime to get away from you.
I need me time
I need the me time
I need to runaway runaway runaway runaway tonight
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
I need the free time
I need to get away
I drift in my car and ride round to oblivion.
I need me time. I need the me time.
I need to runaway runaway faraway faraway tonight
Unlock the sun that shines throgh the crimson sky
I have built these walls so you cant get by. But it's alright
its alright
Run run run run to your place to your god. Where do you go to be free? X4

Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Unlock the sun that shines through my crimson sky.
I have built these walls so you cant get by. But it alright
tonight, tonight, its alright, its alright, tonight, tonight, its alright, its alright, tonight, tonight, its alright.
Is that the whole song lyric?

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