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classic rock song in NFL football commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

johnny ringo
anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think. in the commercial there's a guy who seems to be rich or an nfl owner or something and the caption says "it's good to be rich".
thanks for your help
# 2 20 years ago

Johnny Ringo, Did U ever find out the name of the NFL good to be rich song? I'm also looking for it.
# 3 20 years ago

> anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think. in the commercial there's a guy who seems to be rich or an nfl owner or something and the caption says "it's good to be rich".
> thanks for your help
I'm looking for it too. I think it's some band like the Alman Brothers, or Lynrd Skynryd. It's like a 70's acid rock tune. But the commercial that I remember shows an NFL player, a black guy, soaking in a hot tub with headphones on, listening to the tune that we're all looking for. I've looked on and still no luck. Let me know if you find it?
# 4 20 years ago

"anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think."

I knew there would be other people looking for this song. I think it is a Skynard song, but don't know which one. If I could download the commercial, I would be able to figure it out. Let me know if anyone finds it!
# 5 20 years ago

> anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think. in the commercial there's a guy who seems to be rich or an nfl owner or something and the caption says "it's good to be rich".
> thanks for your help
- The name of the song is "Dear Mr. Fantasy" by a band called Traffic, back in 1967 or so. Hope this helps.
# 6 20 years ago


Thanks! I've been trying to figure that song out for awhile now. Good song!

> > anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think. in the commercial there's a guy who seems to be rich or an nfl owner or something and the caption says "it's good to be rich".
> > thanks for your help
> - The name of the song is "Dear Mr. Fantasy" by a band called Traffic, back in 1967 or so. Hope this helps.
# 7 20 years ago

Thanks again guy! I've been looking for this too.
# 8 20 years ago

The Man with the Answer
The song is Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic.
# 9 20 years ago

Now that d**n song is stuck in my head. An Earworm, I suppose. Wish I never saw the commercial!!!
> > anyone know the name of the song or group that sings the song in the new NFL football commercial. it's an old rock song from the 70's i think. in the commercial there's a guy who seems to be rich or an nfl owner or something and the caption says "it's good to be rich".
> > thanks for your help
> - The name of the song is "Dear Mr. Fantasy" by a band called Traffic, back in 1967 or so. Hope this helps.
# 10 20 years ago


Thanks guys
# 11 20 years ago

Unfortunately not Rich Eisen
How absolutely outstanding is that commercial? I want to be Rich Eisen.
# 12 20 years ago

> The song is Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic.
# 13 20 years ago

so glad to see that others know a great song when they hear one
# 14 20 years ago

could u help me? what is the name of the song in the new donovan mcnabb commercial(for the jacket)? its slow and it has no words and has a classical sound to it...any help i would greatly appreciate!
> thanks
> Jim
# 15 20 years ago

>you guys know what that song has been fuking stuck in my head since i saw the commercial too.. thats nuts rocks
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