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Get Busy? some remix?

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# 1 20 years ago

I need this song, its amazing! I heard it in a club, it starts off with the chorus from "get busy": "shake that thing miss kala kala" etc...
but then switches to some girl singing. Here are somelyrics i picked up from the girls part, im not sure if they are 100 % correct:
"is there something i should know..."
"just listen for a..."
"...da da dee da do dum..."

anyone know what this song is?
# 2 20 years ago

You said it, AMAIZING ASTONISH try this wbsite for the lyrics...
> I need this song, its amazing! I heard it in a club, it starts off with the chorus from "get busy": "shake that thing miss kala kala" etc...
> but then switches to some girl singing. Here are somelyrics i picked up from the girls part, im not sure if they are 100 % correct:
> "is there something i should know..."
> "just listen for a..."
> "...honesty..."
> "...da da dee da do dum..."
> anyone know what this song is?
# 3 19 years ago

> I need this song, its amazing! I heard it in a club, it starts off with the chorus from "get busy": "shake that thing miss kala kala" etc...
> but then switches to some girl singing. Here are somelyrics i picked up from the girls part, im not sure if they are 100 % correct:
> "is there something i should know..."
> "just listen for a..."
> "...honesty..."
> "...da da dee da do dum..."
> anyone know what this song is?
(All 3 messages )

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