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Trying to find Sony Commercial Song--HELP!

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# 1 20 years ago

I'm trying to find a song from a Sony commercial. It's the commercial with the dad who wants to use pictures and stuff from a video camera and make them into a movie on the computer for his anniversary or something and he needs his son to help him do it. It's a romantic song and in the end the dad is all hugging his son and crying. I can't remember what the song is at all!! The dad appears in at least 2 other Sony commercials--one called Brotherly Love and the one that's playing now with the "SHining Star" song in it. Thanks for your help!
# 2 20 years ago

the commercial with a butterfly and how it is sent to every body
# 3 20 years ago

The song is from The Manhattans - it's on their CD / album "Love Songs"

Hope this helps!
# 4 20 years ago

I am trying to find the song myself. Any results yet Jessica? Let me know if anyone finds it.
# 5 20 years ago

I am trying to find the song myself. Any results yet Jessica? Let me who sings the shining star song would ya!
# 6 19 years ago

It's The Manhatten's off of "The Manhatten's Greatest Hit's" is the best place to track it down (I almost confused it with Earth Wind & Fire's song title). You can probably find the CD between $5-10. Here's a link if you wanted to listen to it. You may have received a response already though...better late than never I guess.

> I am trying to find the song myself. Any results yet Jessica? Let me who sings the shining star song would ya!
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