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the band in the new Marshall Fields commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
# 2 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
> Jes

# 3 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
> Jes
i would also like to know the name of the girl quartet in the new marshall field commercial. thanks, carol
# 4 20 years ago

The name of the group is 'Bond' from England.
# 5 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
> Jes
# 6 20 years ago

The name of the female classical band is "Bond".....they are an english group
# 7 20 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
> Jes
# 8 20 years ago

> The name of the female classical band is "Bond".....they are an english group

actually, only one of the group is English, well half-English/half-Chinese to be exact, the others are one Welsh and two Aussies.
# 9 20 years ago

> > does anyone know the name of the classical quartet of women who play in the new marshall fields commercial? any help is muchly appreciated, as a christmas gift is depending on this. thanks!
> > Jes

first album - Born
second album - Shine
2 songs (1 new) on the soundtrack to the Johnny English movie
a remix album (US/Japan) containing songs from Born and Shine and 5 or 6 brand new songs depending on which country's version you buy or import.
a third album is expected in 2004 for more info
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