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Federal Investigator Jason S. FIlyaw ( terror cell bust just like out of a movie)

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# 1 17 years ago

Jason S. Filyaw
Federal Investigator and Director of the National Investigative Agents Group followed a terror cell for months , using his music backround to befriend the suspects even had them audition for his band -While writing songs with these suspects we un covered many plots . (not to be mentioned.
# 2 17 years ago

With older citizens joining the Military to do their part, the profile of new recruits is much different. The national Guard say's its a plus that the age was raised, its brought mature recruits to the table with professional backgrounds and college degrees in Criminal Justice, Homeland security and counter-terrorism.

This is a military press posting on a 33 year old male. Detective Jason S. Filyaw who wants to do his part for his country and start a career in the United States Military.

The country is calling for many more troops; In todays armed forces theres the normal age of 18-25. Now A new trend of older recruits who want to do their part are moving in since the ages have been changed by the president to expand the armed forces.

Jason S. Filyaw is the 5th generation Filyaw to serve in the U.S. Military. He has dropped everything in his life and became devoted to his training, education and fitness to best be prepared for bootcamp and possible deployment.

Detective Filyaw will be assigned to Military Police training after boot camp to bring his real life education to enhance his military performance.

Colorado Technical University Colorado Springs, CO Graduate: 2/2009 Degree: Bachelor Degree Major:Science of Criminal Justice
Concentration: Homeland Security
Minor: Counter Inteligence

New Hampshire Technical Institute Concord, NH Graduated: 2006 status: Honor Graduate Professional Degree: Investigations
Global School of Investigation -
Major: Science of Detection operations, report writing and Crime scene Investgation, and criminal behavior

Private First Class Army National Guard
Jason S. Filyaws Military Police training will start mid 2008 thanks to college non-deployment plans and will attend bootcamp shortly after graduating college.

Officer Filyaw will bring his education and leadership to help fight the war on terror. Jason Filyaw is one of many new recruits joining to help the young men and women caught in this long battle for freedom.

Proud member of
USMC Combat Correspondents Association - Marine Corps
Marine Corps Reserve Association - Marine Corps
Marine Corps League - Marine Corps
Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation - Marine Corps
USMC Force Recon Association - Marine Corps
U.S. Army Warrant Officers Association - Army
Reserve Officers Association of the US - Army
National Guard Association of the United States - Army
Military Coalition - Army
United Armed Forces Association - Army

National Sheriffs Association
Global International Detective Association National Association of Investigative Specialists
N.J. Faternal Order of Police
Defenders of WildLife
Federal Criminal Investigators Association International Private Investigators Association

Military recruitment press affairs
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