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orbitz gum

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# 1 20 years ago

does anyone know who plays the spokesmodel in the orbitz gum commercials? you know, the ones where she speeks with a british accent and says 'fabulous'.
# 2 20 years ago

Hey Jean, the gorgeous spokeswoman you're looking for is none other than Vanessa Branch(not Michelle)! She's known for her stint on Port Charles, on & off as a vindictive spirit come back to life, 'Aromatherapy anyone?'
Anyway, she was also briefly seen in the film John Q Public(Denzel Washing) as the room nurse.
Here's her Appreciation Page, Enjoy!
# 3 20 years ago

I have a good idea for one of your commercials! I was watching Dantes Peak, and i saw the end, where the man, mother, and her two children came out of the cave. I was talking to my mother, saying, "Look how dirty they are! They're covered in ashes, and still have pearly white teeth!" That's when I realized that would be a great commercial for Orbitz gum! Well that's my idea! By the way, I love your gum!
Cristie DeCarmo
# 4 20 years ago

> does anyone know who plays the spokesmodel in the orbitz gum commercials? you know, the ones where she speeks with a british accent and says 'fabulous'.
> what is orbitz gum
# 5 19 years ago

> does anyone know who plays the spokesmodel in the orbitz gum commercials? you know, the ones where she speeks with a british accent and says 'fabulous'.

Seriously, does anybody know her name? I just saw a commercial on Food Network and I think it's the same girl. Anyone?
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