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victorias secret comercials?

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# 1 20 years ago

i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 2 20 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 3 20 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 4 20 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 5 18 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 6 18 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 7 18 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
# 8 17 years ago

> i think there have been 3 so far, on with andriana lima in like a mansion, gisel on an LA rooftop, and the most recent one with the girls preparing for the show.... these comercials are bueautiful, that feature great music and amazing angles - not being peverted here i am mearly apreciating the aesthetic value of these works, anyone know where i can download these?
(All 8 messages )

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