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NFL TV Commercials?

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# 1 17 years ago

> what is the name of that nfl commercial from the late 1990's about a man & woman: The man likes football but when his wife asks questions he tells her that it's too complicated. Many years apparently go by and she apparently knows more about ootball then the man. The phrase "failed to negotiate the safety" is used. The man is Cleveland Brown fan. How can I get to view this commercial?
# 2 17 years ago

> > what is the name of that nfl commercial from the late 1990's about a man & woman: The man likes football but when his wife asks questions he tells her that it's too complicated. Many years apparently go by and she apparently knows more about ootball then the man. The phrase "failed to negotiate the safety" is used. The man is Cleveland Brown fan. How can I get to view this commercial?
# 3 17 years ago

> > what is the name of that nfl commercial from the late 1990's about a man & woman: The man likes football but when his wife asks questions he tells her that it's too complicated. Many years apparently go by and she apparently knows more about ootball then the man. The phrase "failed to negotiate the safety" is used. The man is Cleveland Brown fan. How can I get to view this commercial?
# 4 17 years ago

> > what is the name of that nfl commercial from the late 1990's about a man & woman: The man likes football but when his wife asks questions he tells her that it's too complicated. Many years apparently go by and she apparently knows more about ootball then the man. The phrase "failed to negotiate the safety" is used. The man is Cleveland Brown fan. How can I get to view this commercial?
# 5 16 years ago

In the beer commercials with NFL coaches press conferences... are the coaches responses from real conferences from the past or are they reenacted...
# 6 16 years ago

> > what is the name of that nfl commercial from the late 1990's about a man & woman: The man likes football but when his wife asks questions he tells her that it's too complicated. Many years apparently go by and she apparently knows more about ootball then the man. The phrase "failed to negotiate the safety" is used. The man is Cleveland Brown fan. How can I get to view this commercial?
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