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Shawshank redemption song

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# 1 20 years ago

Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
# 2 20 years ago

> Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
It's the Sul Aria duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, as performed by the Deutsche Opera, Berlin. It's on the soundtrack CD.
# 3 20 years ago

Thanks alot.
# 4 20 years ago

Justin Gadlage
Maxima Owners and Enthusiasts Page

# 5 20 years ago

> > Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
> ________________
> It's the Sul Aria duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, as performed by the Deutsche Opera, Berlin. It's on the soundtrack CD.
The "letter duet" from Act III in Mozart's Opera "The Marriage of Figaro" has specific meaning for both the scene and the movie. In the opera the duet is performed by the Countess and Susanna, the two voices which the prison heard over the speakers. The Count is going to take his "priviledge" of the first night, when Figaro marries Susanna. The song is about role reversal and transposition-which is an underlying theme in the movie. I hope this helps. Always, Jet
# 6 20 years ago

> > Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
> ________________
> It's the Sul Aria duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, as performed by the Deutsche Opera, Berlin. It's on the soundtrack CD.
# 7 20 years ago

Thanks for that I've been wanting to know for years!!

> > Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
> ________________
> It's the Sul Aria duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, as performed by the Deutsche Opera, Berlin. It's on the soundtrack CD.
# 8 20 years ago

Thanks for that I've been wanting to know for years!!

> > Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
> ________________
> It's the Sul Aria duet from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, as performed by the Deutsche Opera, Berlin. It's on the soundtrack CD.
# 9 20 years ago

Desparate to know - who are the 2 soprano's singing with Deutsche Opera, Berlin, in the rendition of "duet sul aria" from Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro", as played in Shawshank redemption movie?
# 10 18 years ago

> Who is the music playing when Andy locks himself in the wardens office? It is the women singing the opera while all the prisoners are bewildered by its beauty.
# 11 18 years ago

> Desparate to know - who are the 2 soprano's singing with Deutsche Opera, Berlin, in the rendition of "duet sul aria" from Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro", as played in Shawshank redemption movie?
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