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help with peugeot ad

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# 1 20 years ago

hey all,
Can someone pls help and tell me the name of the song of the peu 307 ad where it shows people havin affairs, there clothes are all crumpled and it ends with the slogan 'play away from home' can't get the tune outta my head its amazin
anyway cheers
# 2 20 years ago

Anyone have any ideas as to what that tune was for the ad?

-Points to Rob B's post-

Driving me nuts too.
# 3 20 years ago

> hey all,
> Can someone pls help and tell me the name of the song of the peu 307 ad where it shows people havin affairs, there clothes are all crumpled and it ends with the slogan 'play away from home' can't get the tune outta my head its amazin
> anyway cheers

It's called "In the house in a heartbeat", by John Murphy, and it's from the soundtrack of the movie "28 days later".
# 4 19 years ago

> hey all,
> Can someone pls help and tell me the name of the song of the peu 307 ad where it shows people havin affairs, there clothes are all crumpled and it ends with the slogan 'play away from home' can't get the tune outta my head its amazin
> anyway cheers
> Look up The Zutons! Good luck (Confusion)
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