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Must Find Commercial...

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# 1 20 years ago

Hey. I'm looking for a commerical but I can't remember what its for.
Enter a little boy who walks up to a man in a dog? suit? 'Mister, are you really Slappy? the Dog?'
Man: 'No son, I'm just a guy in a suit who's made a lot of poor decisions.'
# 2 20 years ago

Isn't that the Snickers commercial?
Grumpiness: Another side effect of hunger. Don't let hunger happen to you.
Something to that effect...
# 3 20 years ago

I'm not 100% positive but quite sure it's for snickers (candy bar)
> Hey. I'm looking for a commerical but I can't remember what its for.
> Enter a little boy who walks up to a man in a dog? suit? 'Mister, are you really Slappy? the Dog?'
> Man: 'No son, I'm just a guy in a suit who's made a lot of poor decisions.'

# 4 20 years ago

its the snickers commercial
# 5 20 years ago

> Isn't that the Snickers commercial?
> Grumpiness: Another side effect of hunger. Don't let hunger happen to you.
> Something to that effect...
Michael Stahan commercial
# 6 20 years ago

> Isn't that the Snickers commercial?
> Grumpiness: Another side effect of hunger. Don't let hunger happen to you.
> Something to that effect...
Michael Stahan commercial
# 7 20 years ago

go to

and click on strahan and watch it over and over and over and over and over again then laugh and watch it again.

# 8 20 years ago

I am trying to find that snickers commercial..The one about, "how 'bout them cowboys", where the guys in the parking lot of the stadium and he's talking smack to a football player. Then he screams when the football player comes charging at him. Please help...we can not get enough of this entire family cracks up each and everytime it airs...My hats off to whomever came up with that one!!!
# 9 20 years ago

I am trying to find that snickers commercial..The one about, "how 'bout them cowboys", where the guys in the parking lot of the stadium and he's talking smack to a football player. Then he screams when the football player comes charging at him. Please help...we can not get enough of this entire family cracks up each and everytime it airs...My hats off to whomever came up with that one!!!
# 10 20 years ago

> Michael Stahan commercial

How bout them Cowboys!
Bog old Michael Strahan, You aint got nothin!
# 11 20 years ago

> > Isn't that the Snickers commercial?
> > Grumpiness: Another side effect of hunger. Don't let hunger happen to you.
> > Something to that effect...
> >
> Michael Stahan commercial

Hey, Hey, Hey, big old Michael Strahan...You a'int got nothin'...
Lemme ask you somethin'...
How 'bout them cowboys! I said, how 'bout them cowboys!..(chuckling)...
(Strahan tackles guy)
Stupidity?, (It might be stupidity), another side effect of hunger.
(Guy running away)Strahan:hey, you forgot your hat!!
# 12 20 years ago

> I am trying to find that snickers commercial..The one about, "how 'bout them cowboys", where the guys in the parking lot of the stadium and he's talking smack to a football player. Then he screams when the football player comes charging at him. Please help...we can not get enough of this entire family cracks up each and everytime it airs...My hats off to whomever came up with that one!!!
# 13 19 years ago

> I am trying to find that snickers commercial..The one about, "how 'bout them cowboys", where the guys in the parking lot of the stadium and he's talking smack to a football player. Then he screams when the football player comes charging at him. Please help...we can not get enough of this entire family cracks up each and everytime it airs...My hats off to whomever came up with that one!!!
# 14 18 years ago

> > > Isn't that the Snickers commercial?
> > > Grumpiness: Another side effect of hunger. Don't let hunger happen to you.
> > > Something to that effect...
> > >
> > Michael Stahan commercial
> Hey, Hey, Hey, big old Michael Strahan...You a'int got nothin'...
> Lemme ask you somethin'...
> How 'bout them cowboys! I said, how 'bout them cowboys!..(chuckling)...
> (Strahan tackles guy)
> Stupidity?, (It might be stupidity), another side effect of hunger.
> (Guy running away)Strahan:hey, you forgot your hat!!
# 15 18 years ago

anyone know where to download this commercial? I've been trying for weeks to find it.

> > Michael Stahan commercial
> How bout them Cowboys!
> Bog old Michael Strahan, You aint got nothin!
(All 15 messages )

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