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# 1 22 years ago

The General Public
Why wont the charts update. all that happens in the top 50 music video chart is you take off entries and put on Bananarama. What a waste of time. Kylie Minogue and lots of other videos have got lots more that 18 entries but they are not in the top 50. ALSO why cant you submit videos to here that end in html? All the best video sites list their videos on pages that end html - SO WHY CAN'T WE LINK TO THEM HERE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
# 2 22 years ago

Charts updated.
and everything is fine as it is.
> Why wont the charts update. all that happens in the top 50 music video chart is you take off entries and put on Bananarama. What a waste of time. Kylie Minogue and lots of other videos have got lots more that 18 entries but they are not in the top 50. ALSO why cant you submit videos to here that end in html? All the best video sites list their videos on pages that end html - SO WHY CAN'T WE LINK TO THEM HERE?

# 3 22 years ago

> Charts updated.
Uhm, but not with Kylie Minogue 'Cant get u out of my head' in it.....?
> and everything is fine as it is.
Thats dissapointing, maybe in your eyes, but not ours.
>> Why wont the charts update. all that happens in the top 50 music video chart is you take off entries and put on Bananarama. What a waste of time. Kylie Minogue and lots of other videos have got lots more that 18 entries but they are not in the top 50. ALSO why cant you submit videos to here that end in html? All the best video sites list their videos on pages that end html - SO WHY CAN'T WE LINK TO THEM HERE?

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