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AOL 9.0 Commercial-Who's the Actress/Model?

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# 1 20 years ago

One of my favorite new commercials is for the new AOL 9.0 where it's made to look like an upcoming big budget action flick, al la Matrix. The animated little stick figure guy does some fancy bullet-time Kung Fu moves and grabs the hot looking leather clad femme fatale like babe and takes her back to his place where they're seen dancing at the end. Lots of speeding cars,a couple helicopters Kung Fu and explosions galore.
It's funny, even though it's the 1 millionth customer to spoof The Matrix.
A funny and campy commercial.
Anyhoo, whose the hot looking model/actress? She looks a little like Krista Allen, but I think she's someone else. Anyone know?
# 2 20 years ago

I agree she is AWESOME - I also can't find a thing on her anywhere - would love to at least be able to track down the commercial but it seems it came and went - have you found anything new??

> One of my favorite new commercials is for the new AOL 9.0 where it's made to look like an upcoming big budget action flick, al la Matrix. The animated little stick figure guy does some fancy bullet-time Kung Fu moves and grabs the hot looking leather clad femme fatale like babe and takes her back to his place where they're seen dancing at the end. Lots of speeding cars,a couple helicopters Kung Fu and explosions galore.
> It's funny, even though it's the 1 millionth customer to spoof The Matrix.
: A funny and campy commercial.
> Anyhoo, whose the hot looking model/actress? She looks a little like Krista Allen, but I think she's someone else. Anyone know?

# 3 20 years ago

# 4 20 years ago

All its about is a ** actor that likes to smoke weed. youre an idiot ya big fat jerk!!!!
# 5 20 years ago

> ws
does anyone know who the actress in the ultra light swimming pool commercial is.
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