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downloading files

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# 1 20 years ago

At some sites, they have links to click where it brings up some viewer to bring up a video clip. If you've ever viewed music videos on Yahoo's Launch, its similar to that. I was wondering if there is any way at all i could actually download the file onto my computer through this particular website?
(p.s. the clip is the lee weakness/one true fit commercial... I really like it... =) the link to the website is and its the one entitled weakness)
# 2 20 years ago

I decided to hit this website to check it out to offer you some help, what I found is the video loaded in Quicktime. Once it was fully loaded, when I right clicked on the video it gave me the options to save as source or save as quicktime, so you can go ahead and save as source and you would have a local copy on your hard drive.
If you have any troubles with this, feel free to email me and I can email the video to you.
# 3 18 years ago

> I decided to hit this website to check it out to offer you some help, what I found is the video loaded in Quicktime. Once it was fully loaded, when I right clicked on the video it gave me the options to save as source or save as quicktime, so you can go ahead and save as source and you would have a local copy on your hard drive.
> If you have any troubles with this, feel free to email me and I can email the video to you.
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