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Billy Madison

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# 1 22 years ago

This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?
# 2 22 years ago

They usually have the official SndTrk listing for most movies, and a link to Amazon so u can hear samples of each trak!

# 3 22 years ago

Yeah, I use IMDB a lot. That song is not on the soundtrack. I've herd it on an oldies/lite music radio station a few times. I guess I'll have to rent the movie and watch the end credits.
# 4 21 years ago

Question: This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?
Answer: telephone line by ELO

# 5 21 years ago

The song is called Telephone Line by the Electric Light Orchestra

: This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?

# 6 21 years ago

nick a
> This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?
haha i was lookin for a while, and i stumbled across this because i basically typed in the posted question into the search engine. the song is Telephone line, by ELO, or Electric Light orchestra. haha, enjoy

# 7 21 years ago

Its E.L.O. - Telephone Line
# 8 18 years ago

> This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?
Yeah, it's called Telephone Line - by ELO.
# 9 18 years ago

- what is the song called at the end of the movie when the credits are going on
# 10 18 years ago

> - what is the song called when he turns up at the high school and acts cool out the front?
# 11 18 years ago

what is the name of the song in played in billy madison when he first arrives at the high school and is sitting on the hood of his car
# 12 17 years ago

> This one is for all you movie buffs out there. In the movie Billy Madison, what is the name of the song being played when Steve Buscemi is laying down on the couch putting on lipstick?
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