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# 1 20 years ago

I was wondering who sings the song on that victoria secrets comercial. It hasn't been on for like a week. It was usually on at night and there were three comercials with the same song but in each comercial it was a different verse?????
# 2 20 years ago

Are you talking about the 'What is sexy?' Victoria's Secret commercial with the girl walking on the roof? If so, the song is 'Slayed' by Overseer.
# 3 20 years ago

> I was wondering who sings the song on that victoria secrets comercial. It hasn't been on for like a week. It was usually on at night and there were three comercials with the same song but in each comercial it was a different verse?????
i'm not sure if this is the right song title, after all there are lots of victoria's secret commercials, but i think the song you're looking for is 'love sick' by bob dylan

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