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New Target Commercial Song

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know what the song in in the brand new Target commercial- with the Queen's guards dancing-- ad is for Virgin pulse music player.
# 2 20 years ago

No but incase you have found out what it is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!

# 3 20 years ago

> No but incase you have found out what it is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
> Mia
Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
# 4 20 years ago

> : No but incase you have found out what it is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> Mia
> Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching

# 5 20 years ago

I want the name of the song that was used in the target commercial with the british gaurds if you find it please email me.
is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> : Mia
>> Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
> Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching

# 6 20 years ago

We appreciate your positive comments about
our current ad featuring the dancing guards. The music in this ad is an
original piece, exclusive to Target, performed by studio musicians and is
not available at any retailer. I am sorry for any disappointment this may
We always welcome your feedback, so if we can assist you in the future,
please contact our Target Guest Relations team at 1-800-440-0680. We also
invite you to share your comments whenever you visit a Target store or on
the Internet at
We value you as our guest and thank you for shopping at Target.
Kristine D
Target Guest Relations

# 7 20 years ago

> I want the name of the song that was used in the target commercial with the british gaurds if you find it please email me.
> is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> :> Mia
>> : Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
>> Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching

# 8 20 years ago

Glad to see I am not the only one interested. If I find out I will let you know.
> I want the name of the song that was used in the target commercial with the british gaurds if you find it please email me.
> is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> :> Mia
>> : Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
>> Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching

# 9 20 years ago

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the music in our current advertisement
for Virgin electronics.
Target is a trend retailer that wants to provide you the latest merchandise
at the lowest possible price. We appreciate your positive comments about
our current ad featuring the dancing guards. The music in this ad is an
original piece, exclusive to Target, performed by studio musicians and is
not available at any retailer. I am sorry for any disappointment this may
We always welcome your feedback, so if we can assist you in the future,
please contact our Target Guest Relations team at 1-800-440-0680. We also
invite you to share your comments whenever you visit a Target store or on
the Internet at
We value you as our guest and thank you for shopping at Target.
Jessica P
Target Guest Relations

# 10 20 years ago

I dunno what it is but it almost sounds like a cover of Dave Clark Five's 'Bits and Pieces' - I haven't been able to confirm this.
# 11 20 years ago

Been searching for days for that song, with no luck, someone help!!!
:> : No but incase you have found out what it is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> : Mia
>> Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
> Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching

# 12 20 years ago

I was wondering if anyone knows the song in the new Target Commercial where the song is like '1 2 3 come on and talk to me because you look so fine and i really wanna make you mine.' The commmercial is a bunch of cartoon like people dancing with different colors in the background. If you know PLEASE email me I have had it stuck in my head for days!
# 13 20 years ago

Marvin MVF
the song is called
'My Good Friend' by JRalph the song aint out yet but its comin in the near future..
# 14 20 years ago

> :> No but incase you have found out what it is...please tell me!!!!! I'll lve you forever!
>> : Mia
>> Grumpy: Based on 93' classic tune 'rebirth of slick (cool like dat) by Digable planets from CD 'reaching a new refutation of time and space' was the original song, this new one seems to be a modern remix.
> Naw, that ain't it... that was a commercial from May, I think they're talking about the commercial with the British Guards I don't know it either, but I'm searching
>My Good Friend by JRalph (not out yet but comin)

# 15 17 years ago

> I was wondering if anyone knows the song in the new Target Commercial where the song is like '1 2 3 come on and talk to me because you look so fine and i really wanna make you mine.' The commmercial is a bunch of cartoon like people dancing with different colors in the background. If you know PLEASE email me I have had it stuck in my head for days!
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