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Acura MDX Commercial Song

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# 16 20 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the electronica song with the female vocals that plays on the brand new 2003 MDX commerical which involves the SUV driving over a pond with bamboo tire paths?
# 17 20 years ago

To me it sounds like "Delerium". If you like that song, you'd like her stuff.
# 18 20 years ago

> Can anyone tell me the electronica song with the female vocals that plays on the brand new 2003 MDX commerical which involves the SUV driving over a pond with bamboo tire paths?
> I emailed the Acura website, and they informed me that it was a private group hired specifically to make the songs for Acura in 2004.
# 19 20 years ago

> Yes it is the song with the " AAAAA...AAAAA",
> do you know the name?
I emailed the acura website and they informed me that they had hired a group to make the new songs for acura and that was done by the group, I forgot the name though, because I accidently deleted their response
# 20 20 years ago

The group is called "Venus Hum" New age Trance out of the U.K - I can't rememeber which track it is- but i remember someone else had asked me that who sang that - It is them and their album is an E.P so there aren't many tracks on it.Should be easy to find for all of you.
# 21 19 years ago

They are actually from Nashville, Tennessee...don't believe everything you read on the Internet :)
# 22 19 years ago

> * please let me know when you find out... i was wondering the same thing!
> : Can anyone tell me the electronica song with the female vocals that plays on the brand new 2003 MDX commerical which involves the SUV driving over a pond with bamboo tire paths?

Yah it'd be cool if it were even a song! It's like a sound blip.

Check this out:
# 23 19 years ago

> Yes it is the song with the " AAAAA...AAAAA",
> do you know the name?

Did anyone ever track this song down, beyond Acura's "It was commissioned by Acura" response? I'm [i]still[/i] going crazy trying to find it....

# 24 19 years ago

Please find out!

The suspense is killing me!

> > Yes it is the song with the " AAAAA...AAAAA",
> > do you know the name?
> Did anyone ever track this song down, beyond Acura's "It was commissioned by Acura" response? I'm [i]still[/i] going crazy trying to find it....
# 25 19 years ago

ive been told it was a UK band called Venus Hum, and the song is from a new ablbum of theirs to be released in a couple months, but i sampled that whole album and didn't hear the mdx song, but if you figure it out, please send me an email :)
# 26 18 years ago

> ive been told it was a UK band called Venus Hum, and the song is from a new ablbum of theirs to be released in a couple months, but i sampled that whole album and didn't hear the mdx song, but if you figure it out, please send me an email :)
# 27 11 years ago

It's the Ting Tings, Hit Me Down Sonny. Here's a youtube link to it:
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